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  • $100K Podcast Studio, Crumbl Cookies, Nike + Rafael Nadal

$100K Podcast Studio, Crumbl Cookies, Nike + Rafael Nadal

Join me every Friday for an exclusive peek into 3 standout videos. I'll break them down, offering unique insights and practical tips to boost your video marketing. And if nothing else, you're guaranteed to watch 3 cool videos!

Video #1: Dream Studio (Document + Create)


I stumbled upon this video from Dream Studio recently.

Here's the thing: every day, brands (you) are bustling with creativity, strategy, and execution.

But how often do we think about documenting this journey?

That's exactly what Dream Studio did. They took us behind the scenes of building a podcast studio – from the initial planning and strategizing to the actual execution and the stunning before-and-after reveal.

It's an incredible showcase of their process and talent, truly embodying the idea that "the work speaks for itself."

Fast Forward Insights

  • Documenting Plus Creating: Dream Studio exemplifies a dual strategy. Document your journey – your work, results, and the unique zest you bring. Then, mold it into visually appealing, concise video content.

  • Showcasing the Process: By revealing the behind-the-scenes of your projects, you’re not just showing the end product, but also the passion, effort, and creativity that go into it.

  • Engagement Through Authenticity: This blend of documentation and creation builds a more authentic and relatable brand image. It draws viewers in, letting them experience the journey alongside you.

  • Visual Storytelling: Transforming raw documentation into polished content turns everyday work into a compelling story. It's about finding the narrative in your process and sharing it in a way that resonates with your audience.

Video #2: Crumbl Cookies


Crumbl Cookies is seriously upping the ante in video marketing within the franchise food industry. They're not just throwing up cookie photos on social media; they're crafting cinematic masterpieces showcasing their delectable treats.

And here's what really sets them apart: they roll out a new cookie flavor every week, giving them a never-ending stream of fresh content. This strategy has won them a massive following, with over 4 million on Instagram and a whopping 7 million on TikTok.

Fast Forward Insights

  • High Production Value Draws Attention: Crumbl's cinematic approach to showcasing cookies distinguishes them in a traditionally low-key industry, proving that high-quality content can significantly enhance brand visibility.

  • Consistency Fuels Engagement: Their weekly new cookie releases ensure a steady stream of content, fostering customer anticipation and engagement, crucial for sustained success.

  • Innovation in Product Presentation: Crumbl's unique approach to presenting each cookie flavor as a new event not only showcases their product diversity but also keeps their brand narrative exciting and dynamic.

Video #3: Nike + Rafael Nadal


Nike's recent ad takes a refreshingly straightforward approach, utilizing only match footage accompanied by a simple voiceover. This method eliminates the need for a dedicated video shoot, relying instead on existing footage. The ad brilliantly showcases the grit, power, and determination Rafael Nadal has brought to tennis over the years, making it an authentic homage to his legacy.

Fast Forward Insights

  • Leverage Existing Assets: You don't always need a new video shoot. Often, you can craft a compelling new story from the assets you already have.

  • Subtle Storytelling: The ad's narrative is understated, focusing more on paying tribute to Rafael Nadal. The absence of explicit Nike branding, paired with Nadal wearing Nike gear, subtly links his success to the brand, exemplifying 'success by association'.

Send me your videos!

Got an exceptional video ad? Share it with me on Twitter (@bobbyjocson) or by email ([email protected]). Explore my on-demand video editing service here.