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  • AMG, Dunkin, and the nosey nature of humans

AMG, Dunkin, and the nosey nature of humans

Welcome to the first installment of FastForward! Each week, I'll be diving into three marketing videos that caught my eye, breaking down why I think they work and how you can weave these winning strategies into your own campaigns.

Think of this as a mutual side hustle. I'm here to stay sharp on the latest in video marketing, and there's no better way to do that than out in the open. Along the way, I'm hoping to gather a like-minded community who's just as eager to explore and exchange ideas. Let's learn, grow, and innovate together.

Alright let’s get into it:

Video #1: Mercedes AMG: 80 Beats Per Minute

Let's face it, the big players in advertising often get stuck in the same old routine, churning out slick, but oh-so-predictable video ads. They think that's what we expect from household names. But here's where Mercedes-Benz flipped the script.

They went for something so simple, yet incredibly effective. No grand reveal of their brand until the very end of the ad. Why? Because they knew that shouting "Mercedes" right off the bat might make people tune out, thinking, "Ah, it's just another luxury car I can't afford." Instead, they hit us with something we can all get – a message that's down-to-earth, using analogies that stick with you.

Imagine driving a Mercedes AMG feels like running with the bulls – now that's an image that's hard to shake off.

FastForward Insights:

  1. Keep It Short and Sweet: What Mercedes got right was the messaging. It's all about keeping it brief, snappy, and focused. They compared your typical drive to the thrill of an AMG, but kept us guessing until the last second. That's the kind of suspense that keeps eyes glued to the screen.

  2. Feelings First, Brand Second: Even a giant like Mercedes knows that making a viewer feel something trumps flashing their logo. They painted this vivid picture in our heads first, making sure we're all in before showing their hand. It’s about connecting on a human level, not just brand recognition.

  3. Blend, Don't Interrupt: The way this ad flows feels like part of your regular scrolling – it doesn't scream "ad" at you. It’s smart – they roll out their message one bit at a time, which kind of hooks you in, making you want to stick around to see what's next. That's clever marketing; it's not in your face, but it sure stays in your mind.

Video #2: Dunkin’ Holiday Unboxing

Alright, let's chat about this Dunkin' commercial. It's got a simplicity that really hits home. The best part? That bottom-up shot of a Dunkin' box brimming with donuts – a sight we've all seen and loved. It's that universal moment of "which one do I pick?" that they've nailed perfectly. It's a reminder that no matter who we are, we all share these little joys.

And let's talk about the music – it's not your typical thumping, fast-paced tune. Instead, they've gone with this Mr. Rogers-style melody that's like a breath of fresh air. It cuts through the usual noise and grabs your attention.

FastForward Insights:

  1. Music That Makes You Listen: In a world where every second in a video is gold, Dunkin' shows us how the right music choice can be a game-changer. It's not just background noise; it's a deliberate move to make your ears perk up and give that ad the extra moment of attention it deserves.

  2. Raw and Real Beats Overproduced: My take? This ad could've gone a bit more raw, especially for social media. A touch less polish, a bit more real-life vibe. Some of the shots were a tad too 'stock photo' for my liking. When you're scrolling through your feed, something a bit rougher around the edges can stand out more than a super-slick production.

  3. Simplicity Wins the Day: Dunkin' really showed how simplicity can be everything. Repeating that bottom-up donut box shot was a great choice. It's not about fancy camera moves or flashy visuals. It's about finding that one relatable shot and letting it do the talking. That's what sticks with people – a simple, familiar image that everyone can connect with.

Video #3: TEXT Interrupt

So, I'm totally into this ad style – it's super easy to pull off, and literally, anyone can do it.

The genius part? That sudden text message interrupt in the video. It's like, "Wait, is my phone acting up? Oh, hang on, it's still the video." That moment of confusion? It's pure gold for grabbing attention. Plus, let's be real – we're all a bit nosy, right? Watching a personal text conversation unfold in an ad taps into that curiosity. It's like eavesdropping but in a fun, digital way.

And the possibilities? Endless. You can churn out so many variations with this style. What's more, keeping it raw and app-native makes it feel less like a typical brand video and more like something a content creator would whip up. I recently tried this out for a client, and they loved it!

FastForward Insights:

  1. Nail the Pacing: Timing is everything with these video ads. You've got to edit those text replies and responses to keep them short and snappy. Nobody wants to watch a typing bubble forever. It's all about keeping the viewers glued to the screen.

  2. Quick and Concise Messaging: You've got to get your main message or offer out there, and fast. If you take too long, you'll lose your audience mid-conversation. Aim for a tight 20 seconds or less – that's your sweet spot. Trim the fat off that conversation. Keep it lean, mean, and engaging.

  3. Short Shelf Life Alert: Heads up – this ad style can get old fast if everyone starts jumping on the bandwagon. Viewers catch on quick and once they do, the magic fades. So, ride the wave while it's fresh!

  4. Sound Effects Matter: The right sound effects can make or break these ads. You gotta use familiar sounds – the ones we all hear every day. And don’t overdo it with unnecessary SFX. It's all about creating an authentic, believable experience. If it doesn't feel real, it doesn't work.

Got a video ad that's a cut above the rest? Whether it's a gem you've crafted or a standout piece you've spotted, I'm all ears! Share it with me, and let's showcase it to the world. Drop me a DM on twitter (@bobbyjocson) or e-mail me at [email protected].